Checking for file modifications with files_collect and files_diff

The community.internal_test_tools collection offers two modules:

These allow to check that modules actually do not modify a file, or only modify specific files. The community.internal_test_tools.files_diff module returns details on which files and directories have been added, removed, changed. It also returns the content of the changed files so you do not need to add a ansible.builtin.fetch task to read the changed files to check their content.

Added in version 0.3.0.

Example for test that should not modify a file

In the community.crypto.openssl_privatekey_convert integration tests, we want to make sure that the module does not only return changed=false, but also does not touch the file it operates on:

- name: Collect file information
      - path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/output_1.pem'
  register: convert_file_info_data

- name: Convert (idempotent)
    src_path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/privatekey_rsa_pass1.pem'
    src_passphrase: secret
    dest_path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/output_1.pem'
    dest_passphrase: hunter2
    format: pkcs8
  register: convert_idem

- name: Check whether file changed
    state: '{{ convert_file_info_data }}'
  register: convert_file_info

- name: Verify that nothing changed
      # Check the module's result
      - convert_idem is not changed
      # Verify that the file was not changed
      - convert_file_info is not changed