fetch_url Test Framework

The fetch_url test framework is a small framework for testing modules which use fetch_url() from ansible.module_utils.urls to communicate with a HTTP service. It is available from ansible_collections.community.internal_test_tools.tests.unit.utils.fetch_url_module_framework.

The main interface consists of the classes FetchUrlCall and BaseTestModule. A test is expected to be inherited from BaseTestModule. The class provides two methods, run_module_success and run_module_failed, which expect next to the module’s Python module and the arguments a list of FetchUrlCall objects which correspond to the expected fetch_url() calls made by the module for the given input. The methods return the result returned by module.fail_json() and module.exit_json(), respectively.

Several unit tests using this framework can be found in the community.hrobot module unit tests.

Example unit test

An example test could look as follows:

from ansible_collections.community.internal_test_tools.tests.unit.utils.fetch_url_module_framework import (

from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.hetzner import BASE_URL
from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.modules.net_tools import hetzner_firewall_info

class TestHetznerFirewallInfo(BaseTestModule):
    # We need to tell the helper under which names the module imports AnsibleModule and fetch_url

    def test_absent(self, mocker):
        result = self.run_module_success(mocker, hetzner_firewall_info, {
            'hetzner_user': '',
            'hetzner_password': '',
            'server_ip': '',
        }, [
            FetchUrlCall('GET', 200)
                'firewall': {
                    'server_ip': '',
                    'server_number': 1,
                    'status': 'disabled',
                    'port': 'main',
                    'rules': {
                        'input': [],
        assert result['changed'] is False
        assert result['firewall']['status'] == 'disabled'
        assert result['firewall']['server_ip'] == ''
        assert result['firewall']['server_number'] == 1

This test makes sure that if the community.general.hetzner_firewall_info module is called with the given arguments, one fetch_url() call is made to GET the URL, and if this call is returned with a 200 OK and the given JSON object, that the module will return result which is then checked by the assert statements.