LDAP Connection guide

This guide covers information about communicating with an LDAP server, like Microsoft Active Directory, from the Ansible host. Unlike Windows hosts, there are no builtin mechanisms to communicate and authenticate with an LDAP server, so the plugins that run on the Ansible host require some extra configuration to get working.


This guide covers LDAP communication from the Ansible host. This does not apply to the modules that run on the remote Windows hosts. See AD Authentication in Modules for information on how modules authentication can be configured.


The LDAP connection code requires the sansldap and pyspnego libraries. They can be installed using pip with:

$ python3 -m pip install --user \
    'pyspnego >= 0.8.0'


This guide assumes python3 is the same Python that Ansible uses, see ansible --version for details on the Python version/location.

There are also optional dependencies to provide extra features



Kerberos Authentication

pyspnego[kerberos] >= 0.8.0

Server Lookups


LAPS Decryption


To install all the optional features run:

$ python3 -m pip install --user \
    dnspython \
    dpapi-ng \
    'pyspnego[kerberos] >= 0.8.0'

The Kerberos authentication components require the Kerberos system libraries to be present. For RPM based systems, these are:

$ dnf install gcc python3-devel krb5-libs krb5-devel

Other Linux distributions require the same packages listed above but they are likely listed under different names than what dnf uses.

The microsoft.ad.debug_ldap_client. action plugin can be used to debug the Ansible host setup and its LDAP capabilities. It includes details such as:

  • The Python packages related to LDAP that are installed, or import failure messages if not installed

  • The Kerberos host and credential cache information if the Kerberos extras are installed

  • The SRV lookup information if dnspython and Kerberos extras are installed

To use this module simply run

$ ansible localhost -m microsoft.ad.debug_ldap_client

Connection options

Connecting to a Microsoft Active Directory or LDAP server requires information like the domain controller hostname, port, whether to use LDAPS or StartTLS, and authentication information. Some of this information can be retrieved based on the Ansible host environment but can also be manually specified through the plugin options. These options include:





Server lookup through Kerberos

The LDAP server hostname


389 or 686 if tls_mode=ldaps

The LDAP port


LDAPS if port=686 else None

TLS details - LDAP, LDAP + StartTLS, LDAPS



Authentication protocol



Attempts to use Kerberos cache if available



Attempts to use Kerberos cache if available

The server lookup details are described below. The port defaults to 389 unless tls_mode: ldaps is specified. The TLS mode defaults to ldaps if the port is explicitly set to 686 otherwise it defaults to 389. The authentication protocol defaults to negotiate while attempting to use the implicit credential if it’s available.

Server lookup

If no server option was explicitly set, the plugin will attempt to lookup the LDAP server based on the current environment configuration. This is only possible if:

  • The dnspython Python package is installed

  • The pyspnego[kerberos] Python package for Kerberos is installed

  • The underlying Kerberos library has a default_realm set in the MIT krb5.conf

If none of the above are true, the connection will fail and an explicit server must be supplied. If all the requirements are satisfied this is the server lookup workflow:

  • The default_realm of the local Kerberos configuration is retrieved

  • A DNS SRV lookup is done for the record _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.{{ default_realm }}

  • The DNS records are sorted by priority and weight and the first is selected

  • The hostname and port on the selected SRV record are used for the lookup


If an explicit port is specified, it will take priority over the port returned by the SRV record.


A critical component of LDAP connections is how the user authenticates itself to the server. The following authentication mechanisms are supported:


Supports Encryption

Implicit Credential


No - TLS needed

Yes - Appears as Anonymous






Yes - With Kerberos







Unless otherwise specified, the default authentication protocol used is negotiate which relies on the pyspnego library. See requirements for more information on how to install this requirement.

Any protocol that does not support encryption must either be used with LDAPS, StartTLS, or they must explicitly disable the encryption checks with the encrypt: false option. Disabling encryption is not recommended as it will send the credentials without any protection and any of the data exchanged can be seen by anyone. It also requires the target server to allow unencrypted connections as they can reject such connections.

Implicit credential support documents whether the authentication protocol can authenticate without an explicit username and password specified. Currently only simple and negotiate/kerberos supports implicit credentials. See each protocol section for more details.


Simple authentication is the most basic authentication protocol supported. It works by sending the username and password in plaintext to the server, similar to HTTP Basic authentication. Microsoft AD requires the username to be the sAMAccountName or userPrincipalName of the account but other LDAP implementations require the LDAP distinguishedName. While it is possible to do an anonymous bind when no username or password is specified, it is likely the server will reject any search operations unless it is authenticated with an actual users credentials. Simple authentication is not allowed over a connection that is not protected by TLS. It is possible to allow simple authentication over such connections by disabling the encryption check but this is not recommended.


Simple authentication should be avoided unless TLS is used, either through LDAPS or StartTLS. Failure to use use LDAPS will expose the credentials used during the authentication and the subsequent data unprotected from eavesdropping or tampering.


Certificate authentication uses TLS client authentication as part of the TLS handshake to authenticate the user to the host. As it is part of the TLS handshake, it can only be used over an LDAPS connection or with StartTLS. It uses a certificate and certificate key of the user to authenticate as. There are three options that can be used to specify a client certificate and key to use for authentication:

  • certificate - The certificate, and optionally bundled key

  • certificate_key - The certificate key if not bundled in certificate

  • certificate_password - The password used to decrypt the certificate key

The certificate and certificate_key can either be a file path to the certificate and key or they can be a string of the PEM encoded certificate/key. The certificate file path can be a PEM, DER, or PKCS12/PFX encoded certificate with optional key bundle whereas the certificate_key file path can be a PEM or DER encoded key. If the key inside the PEM, DER, or PKCS12/PFX content is encrypted, the certificate_password can be used to specify the password used to decrypt the key.


Setting these options are dependent on the plugin itself, the keys here reflect the option name and not necessarily Ansible variables that can be set and read automatically by a plugin.


Negotiate authentication is the default authentication protocol used by LDAP connections. It is a combination of both kerberos and ntlm with the client negotiating which one to use. It will favor kerberos if it is available and fallback to ntlm if not. The pyspnego Python package provides negotiate with just ntlm support, kerberos support is provided by the pyspnego[kerberos] extras option. See requirements for more information on how to install this requirement.


Kerberos authentication is a modern authentication protocol supported by Microsoft AD servers and is the preferred protocol for authentication. It is only available if the pyspnego[kerberos] extras package is installed and the host has been configured properly. Typically this configuration is done through the /etc/krb5.conf file on the system. This guide will not go into configuring the host’s Kerberos settings as it is environment specific.

A good way to ensure the host has been configured to use Kerberos correctly is to ensure the following commands work:

$ python -c "import krb5"
$ kinit username@DOMAIN.REALM
$ kvno ldap/dc.domain.realm


The kvno command is an MIT krb5 specific command, it is not available on hosts that use Heimdal krb5 like macOS.

The python command ensures the required Python libraries have been installed. The kinit command will retrieve a Kerberos ticket for the user specified and the kvno command will attempt to retrieve a service ticket for the service principal name (SPN) requested. If both commands work then there is a good chance Kerberos authentication will work with the LDAP connection.

Using the kinit command it is possible to set up a credential cache for Ansible to use for authentication. By having a credential retrieved using kinit, it is possible to authenticate with the LDAP server without any explicit username and password set in Ansible. It is still possible to use Kerberos with explicit credentials.


NTLM authentication is a simple authentication protocol that can be used by itself or as part of the negotiate fallback if kerberos is unavailable. Unlike kerberos support, it does not normally support implicit credentials so typically needs an explicit username and password specified to be used. It requires no extra host configuration and should work once pyspnego has been installed.


While NTLM does support encryption it is considered weak by modern standards. It is recommended to only use NTLM with an LDAPS or StartTLS connection where the stronger encryption and server checks provided by TLS mitigate the weaknesses in NTLM.

Certificate validation

Using LDAPS or LDAP over StartTLS will perform a TLS handshake which by default has the client attempting to validate the certificate presented by the server. If the certificate chain cannot be trusted, or the hostname does not match the one being requested the connection will fail with an error indicating why. The default trust store location is dependent on the Python configuration and what SSL library it has been linked to. Typically it would be the OS’ default trust store but when in doubt the following Python code can be used to verify the LDAPS certificate. Make sure to change hostname to the hostname of the LDAP server that should be tested.

import socket
import ssl

hostname = 'dc.domain.com'
port = 636
context = ssl.create_default_context()

with socket.create_connection((hostname, port)) as sock:
    with context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=hostname) as ssock:

The ca_cert connection option can be used to set an explicit CA bundle to use for verification. This is useful if the CA bundle is not part of the OS store but located somewhere else on the filesystem. The value can be in the form of:

  • a file path to a PEM or DER encoded bundle of certificates

  • A directory path that contains several CA certificates in the PEM format following an OpenSSL specific layout as document by CApath

  • A string containing PEM encoded certificates

It is also possible to disable certificate verification using the cert_validation connection option. The default is always but can be set to ignore to disable all checks or ignore_hostname to disable just the hostname check. This can be useful for test environments that use self signed certificates but it should not be used in a production environment.


Disabling certificate validation removes a lot of the benefits that TLS offers. There is no way to verify the target server is who it says that it is.