
The IBM Z System Automation collection requires both a control node and a managed node to be configured with the following set of requirements. The control node is often referred to as the controller and the managed node as the host.

Control node

The controller is where the Ansible engine that runs the playbook is installed. Refer to RedHat Ansible Certified Content documentation for more on the controllers dependencies.

Managed node

The Managed node is often referred to as a target node, or host, and is the node that is managed by Ansible. Ansible does not need to be installed on a managed node.

  • IBM Z System Automation: V4.2 with PTF for SPE APAR OA59461 applied.

    The IBM Z System Automation Operations REST server must be installed, configured and running on at least one z/OS system in an SA-Plex where the managed node runs in. Information about the IBM Z System Automation Operations REST server can be configured in the Ansible inventory or in the Ansible vars, such as the host name and port number.

    The authentication information to connect to the IBM Z System Automation Operations REST server is provided when running a playbook or it will be prompted during playbook run.

    For more details about installation and configuration, refer to the Configure and Run the System Automation Operations REST Server documentation.