Filter guide


Filter Plugins are now included with other plugin documentation.

vault_login_token filter

Added in version 2.2.0.

The vault_login_token filter extracts the token value from the structure returned by a Vault token creation operation, such as those returned by the community.hashi_vault.vault_login module or lookup plugin, or the community.hashi_vault.vault_token_create module or lookup plugin.

The filter takes an optional parameter optional_field with defaults to login. If this field exists in the input dictionary, then the value of that field is taken the be the login response, rather than the input dictionary itself.

The purpose of this is primarily to deal with the difference between the output of lookup plugins (which return the login response directly) and modules, which return the login response in a login field in its return.

Here is a sample login response:

    "auth": {
        "accessor": "mQewzgKRx5Yui1h1eMemJlMu",
        "client_token": "s.drgLxu6ZtttSVn5Zkoy0huMR",
        "entity_id": "8a74ffd3-f71b-8ebe-7942-610428051ea9",
        "lease_duration": 3600,
        "metadata": {
            "username": "testuser"
        "orphan": true,
        "policies": [
        "renewable": true,
        "token_policies": [
        "token_type": "service"
    "data": null,
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "lease_id": "",
    "renewable": false,
    "request_id": "511e8fba-83f0-4b7e-95ea-770aa19c1957",
    "warnings": null,
    "wrap_info": null

The token that we want to extract is in auth.client_token.

Here’s an example usage with the vault_login module and lookup.

- name: Set defaults
    ansible_hashi_vault_url: https://vault:9801/
    ansible_hashi_vault_auth_method: userpass
    ansible_hashi_vault_username: user
    ansible_hashi_vault_password: "{{ lookup('env', 'MY_SECRET_PASSWORD') }}"
      url: '{{ ansible_hashi_vault_url }}'
      auth_method: '{{ ansible_hashi_vault_auth_method }}'
      username: '{{ ansible_hashi_vault_username }}'
      password: '{{ ansible_hashi_vault_password }}'
    - name: Perform a login with a lookup and display the token
        login_response: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.vault_login') }}"
        msg: "The token is {{ login_response | community.hashi_vault.vault_login_token }}"

    - name: Perform a login with a module
      register: login_response

    - name: Display the token
        msg: "The token is {{ login_response | community.hashi_vault.vault_login_token }}"

Which produces:

TASK [Perform a login with a lookup and display the token]  ********************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "s.drgLxu6ZtttSVn5Zkoy0huMR"

TASK [Perform a login with a module]  *****************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {"changed": true, "login": {"auth": { "accessor": "mQewzgKRx5Yui1h1eMemJlMu",
"client_token": "s.drgLxu6ZtttSVn5Zkoy0huMR", "entity_id": "8a74ffd3-f71b-8ebe-7942-610428051ea9",
"lease_duration": 3600, "metadata": {"username": "testuser"}, "orphan": true, "policies":
["alt-policy", "default", "userpass-policy"], "renewable": true, "token_policies": ["alt-policy",
"default", "userpass-policy"], "token_type": "service"}, "data": null, "lease_duration": 0,
"lease_id": "", "renewable": false, "request_id": "511e8fba-83f0-4b7e-95ea-770aa19c1957",
"warnings": null, "wrap_info": null}}

TASK [Display the token]  *****************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "s.drgLxu6ZtttSVn5Zkoy0huMR"

This filter is the equivalent of reading into the dictionary directly, but it has the advantages of providing semantic meaning and automatically working against the differing output of modules and lookups.

lookup_token: "{{ lookup_login_response['auth']['client_token'] }}"
module_token: "{{ module_login_response['login']['auth']['client_token'] }}"

The optional_field can be changed in case you’ve put the raw login response in some other structure, but you could also dereference that directly instead.

  something: somedata
  vault_login: "{{ lookup_login_response }}"

token_from_param: "{{ my_data | community.hashi_vault.vault_login_token(optional_field='vault_login') }}"
token_from_deref: "{{ my_data['vault_login'] | community.hashi_vault.vault_login_token }}"
# if the optional field doesn't exist, the dictionary itself is still checked
unused_optional: "{{ my_data['vault_login'] | community.hashi_vault.vault_login_token(optional_field='missing') }}"