Index of all Collection Environment Variables

The following index documents all environment variables declared by plugins in collections. Environment variables used by the ansible-core configuration are documented in Ansible Configuration Settings.


Whether commands should be run with extended privileges.

Note that this allows command to potentially break out of the container. Use with care!

Used by: community.docker.docker connection plugin, community.docker.docker_api connection plugin


Controls how long we can wait to access reading output from the container once execution started.

Used by: community.docker.docker connection plugin, community.docker.docker_api connection plugin


See the documentations for the options where this environment variable is used.

Used by: community.docker.docker connection plugin, community.docker.docker_api connection plugin


Merge extra vars into the available variables for composition (highest precedence).

Used by: community.docker.docker_containers inventory plugin, community.docker.docker_machine inventory plugin, community.docker.docker_swarm inventory plugin


PID to attach with using nsenter.

The default should be fine unless you are attaching as a non-root user.

Used by: community.docker.nsenter connection plugin