cassandra_removenode -- Removes a node by the given host id from the cluster.


Removes a node by the given host id from the cluster.

Identify the node by the host id as given in nodetool status output.

The nodetool status command is used to determine if the host_id exists in the cluster.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.


host_id (True, str, None)
Host Id of the node to rmeove.
force (optional, bool, False)
Forces completion of the pending removal.
debug (optional, bool, False)
Add additional debug to module output.
host (optional, str,
The hostname.
port (optional, int, 7199)
The Cassandra TCP port.
password (optional, str, None)
The password to authenticate with.
password_file (optional, str, None)
Path to a file containing the password.
username (optional, str, None)
The username to authenticate with.
nodetool_path (optional, str, None)
The path to nodetool.
nodetool_flags (optional, str, -Dcom.sun.jndi.rmiURLParsing=legacy)
Flags to pass to nodetool.


- name: Decommission a node
    host_id: "2d29b2bc-faa5-4837-935c-41c3945119e2"

- name: Force removal of a node
    host_id: "07a8a3b1-98e7-4ed9-8481-b328489ad711"
    force: yes

Return Values

msg (always, bool, )
A message indicating what has happened.
rc (on failure, int, )
Return code of executed command



  • Rhys Campbell (@rhysmeister)